You can sign up through https://divinemercyafc.flocknote.com

or text the following to 84576

STM-MORGAN  -  if you are at St Michael’s, Morgan

STP-COMFREY  -  if you are at St. Paul’s in Comfrey

JM-L  -  if you are at Japanese Martyrs in Leavenworth

SESM  -  if you are at St. Mary’s in Sleepy Eye

When you login to sign up, you can also choose to be a part of groups that are already set up for each of the parishes, and you can choose whether your preferred method of contact is email or text message or both.  Currently the following groups are set up under each of the parishes:

For St. Mary’s:  general parish contact list, CCW, TLM (the Latin Mass), Religious Education, Altar Servers, Caecilian Choir, and the Stella Maris Choir

For St. Michael’s:  general parish contact list, Religious Education, and Altar Servers

For Japanese Martyrs:  general parish contact list

For St. Paul’s:  general parish contact list and Religious Education