St. Paul's Council of Catholic Women

2023-2024 Parish Handbook
2022-2023 Parish Handbook
2021-2022 Parish Handbook

Council of Catholic Women Officers & Commission Coordinators:

Leah Eischen - President
Marianne Schotzko - Vice President
Susan McMullen - Secretary
Lori Schumann - Treasurer

Spirituality Commission
Marianne Schotzko

Service Commission
Arlene Helget

Leadership Commission
Leah Eischen, Marianne Schotzko, Lori Schumann, Sue McMullen

Reverence Life Committee
Carol Hayes, Becky Brown, Erin Eischen

Scholarship Committee
Leah Eischen

Guild Committees
Welcoming: JoAnn Eischen
Historian: Connie Kelly
St. John's Auxiliary Rep: Marge Prokosch
Cheer Committee: Becky Brown

Section Chairs
St. Martha's Circle
Co-Chairpersons: Julie Fredin, Linda Kelly, Jean Kopischke

St. Mary's Circle
Co-Chairpersons: Kim Clement, Rhonda Evers, Connie Kelly

St. Theresa's Circle
Co-Chairpersons: Karla Fischer, Sue Romsdahl, LeAnn Helget

St. Anne's Prayer Circle
All ladies who wish to be removed from an active circle are listed under this group

CCW Executive Brd Mtg Minutes 7.23.2018
CCW Mtg Minutes 3.7.2019
CCW Mtg Minutes 5.2.2019
CCW Executive Brd Mtg Minutes 7.2.2019
CCW Mtg Minutes 9.5.2019
CCW Mtg Minutes 2.6.2020
CCW Executive Brd Mtg Minutes 7.9.2020
CCW Mtg Minutes 9.3.2020
CCW Mtg Minutes 2.4.2021 & 3.25.2021
CCW Mtg Minutes 10.7.2021
CCW Mtg Minutes 10.6.2022
CCW Mtg Minutes 9.7.2023
CCW Mtg Minutes 5.2.2024